About the project

  • Type of system (by-products / MSW): Biomethan production from by-products
  • Location site: Municipality of Papozze (Rovigo)
  • Site Area (m2): 45.136
  • Power (Nm3/h): 500
Located in Municipality of Papozze (Rovigo), the state-of-the-art plant for converting organic waste materials into gas is a benchmark for sustainable innovation. With a capacity of 500 Nm3/h and spanning 45.136 m2, the plant adopts cutting-edge technologies to transform biomass and other organic waste into clean energy. This initiative not only significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also promotes responsible resource management. The plant not only contributes to environmental impact reduction but also serves as an example of how the circular economy can support sustainable development in the region. With a strong commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability, this project leads the way in the green energy sector, creating a cleaner and more prosperous future for the local community.